Plastic surgery has developed various methods which deal with the excessive sweating for patients who does not satisfactorily respond to topic antiperspirants.
The most affected areas, altough not the only ones, are the axillary area and the palm of the hands.
We comprehend The methods at our disposal may be surgical or not and may give a temporary or permanent solution of the problem.
Without surgery:: It is the injection of small quantities of botulinic toxin around the affected sweat glands (axilla, hands, etc). This treatment is quite effective and controls sweating for about 8 months after the injection treatment.
With surgery: In the axillar region, this option try to find a permanent solution of the problem with the removal of the sweating glands affected. Involves an incision in the axillia and may be done with local or general anaesthesia.
When the problem affects the hands there is a surgical procedure based on the use of the endoscope inserted within the chest by small incisions.This operation is runned by other experts and consists in the surgical interruption of the nerve impulses which gives origin to the excess of sweating.