These extends to the absence of breast or amastia, Poland’s syndrome, severe asymmetry, tuberous breasts, breast implants, silicone breast implants, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, breast lifts.
This is an very wide subject. This problem extends to the absence or development of the breast (amastia, Poland’s syndrome), through the developmental abnormalities of the breast such as multiple breasts, severe breast asymmetry, tuberous breasts (contraction of the basis of the breast with or without areola expansion), and some milder forms of Poland’s syndrome (in this type of syndrome exists a breast-developement alteration relationed to upper limb defects).
The treatment pattern of congenital breast problems and timing of the treatment varies. The first attention should be made after the birth or during child’s adolescence when consultation should be sought. Later reconstruction of the breast certainly is possible, and can be performed later in life.
The procedure may be as simple as the insertion of an implant for breast symmetry or hypomastia (in those who one mammal is considered of deficient size), or the complete surgery creation of the breast. The operations are performed in our associated hospitals in La Coruña and madrid. The patient can be treated as a day case or stay in the hospital one or two days depending on the type of procedure used.
Dr. Cerqueiro will discuss your individual problem and outline a proposed plan for the correction of the congenital breast problem.