The modern era of breast augmentation started in 1961, when the first silicone implant was used to improve the appearance of the breast. Since that time, the basic implant has undergone many modifications and improvements. The implant that is most used now for augmentation mammoplasty in europe is the silicon implant.
These implants have been tested scrupulously for ensure the security of the patients. Since the FDA, lifted the ban on the use of silicon implants after the review of many independent studies, the silicon implants are used routinely.
Many of our patients who desire breast augmentation are between their twenties and their forties. Furthermore a large part of them are women who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, and wish to return to their pre-pregnancy breast size. It is therefore not uncommon to perform breast augmentation on women throughout their forties.
Dr. Cerqueiro will discuss the goal of your proposed augmentation mammoplasty surgery, and go over the entire procedure with you.
The following information will help you understand the operation:
The operation may be performed in the Hospital as an out-patient. The operation itself lasts for one to one and a half hours. You will stay in our recovery area until you feel comfortable to leave the hospital. If you leave the hospital on the same day you should remain in town for 24 hours, so that Dr. Cerqueiro could see you if the need arises. Suture removal is usually not neccesary as we use absorvable sutures.
There are several options that you may choose for surgery. These consist of the site of the placement of the implant and the choice of the incision through which the implant is placed.
Incisons: The choice of incisions is made by the patient after a consultation with Dr. Cerqueiro. Augmentation can be accomplished through either a transaxillary (armpit) incision; inframammary incision (below the breast, above the fold); or a periareolar incision(through the areolar, the circle around the nipple).
Subglandular or submuscular. This describes the position of the breast implant in relation to the pectoralis muscle. Depending on your anatomy, age, and vocation, there are advantages to each approach for augmentation mammoplasty. Dr. Cerqueiro will explain each, and help you understand the position that may be ideal for you.
We offer the choice of silicone breast implants based on the individual patient requirements. The outer coating of the prothesis is silicone, with different levels of rugosity, that made capsular contracture less frequent.
The prothesis are filled with silicone gel of different cohesive density. The most used shape is the round one, although in some cases is more adequated to use drop shaped implants (anathomical shape).
Because of Dr. Cerqueiro’s experience, he often corrects problems that have been associated with breast augmentation in the past.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. As in all of our operations, the anesthesiologist is a board-certified, highly skilled, experienced figure in the plastic surgery area. Also, the hospitals where we provide our services have a modern anaesthesia technology.
After augmentation mammoplasty, it takes approximately one week to ten days to feel comfortable. You should refrain from athletics for three weeks after surgery, then you should wear adequate dressing whit supplies an adecuate support.
As in all surgery operations, complications may happen. The principal ones that can occur after breast augumentation are: haematoma (needing surgical care; less than the 1 % of the cases), implant infection (rare cases), capsular contraction formation with the consequent hardening or changing of the mammal shape, deflation of the implant, or implant edges may be visible or palpable.
Capsule hardness is classified using the so called Baker’s Classification.
In addition, some patients experience a temporary numbness of the nipple for several weeks after surgery. This may last longer or may be permanent in a very small group of patients.
Dr. Cerqueiro will discuss the incidence of each of these and relate it to your individual surgery.
If motivations and expectations of the patient are good, breast augumentation counts a high rate of satisfaction.
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